Saturday, May 23, 2009

Food Allergies

Welcome to a brand new forum from A Natural Choice. We are excited as our team grows to be offering you this blog spot.

Many of you have discovered that some of the more common foods eaten are creating some of the uncomfortable symptoms you are having. These foods could be considered allergies or they could be sensitivites (more on this at another time). Either way as a result of that discovery your life changed.

We all know life change isn't easy. I remember when I was first told that I had food alleriges and I couldn't eat wheat, rye, barley, dairy, eggs, corn, white sugar, coffee, potatoes and (if you can believe it) more. Ugh! That was my entire diet. How would I live without my one cup a day favoriet morning friend. Coffee! What about bread? I went through a barrage of emotions. Some that were so strong they were obviously about something other than food (more on this later). But, I did manage to go an entire year on this new diet, and who would have thunk, one year later, my life long bloating was signifiantly better, my overall intestinal health felt great and I was no longer addicted to coffee, I no longer needed it or desired it. I was free.

I want to make your transition to a wheat free life of energy easier. We want to help you with the big question, "What is there to eat?" The reality is there is a varitable plethora of food choices even if you can't eat wheat and dairy, or more challenging gluten and dairy. But finding those foods and discovering how to eat them enjoyably is where the challenge and the fun lies.

That is why we are creating a new class series for you. There are two sections completed and have already had many happy participants. The two classes offered so far are, "Gluten and Dairy Free Baking," and "Breakfast and Snack Ideas." All of the classes will have recipes that are gluten, dairy, and process sugar free (sweetened with honey, agave, or maple syrup). Lynn Strickand is an amazing teacher and baker. To the classes she brings numerous yummy treats for you to sample and along with the numerous recipes she provides an education topic to go along with the class. So far she has taught on digestive health and on the importance of fiber and the glycemic index when eating gluten free.

These classes are our newest addition to help each of you make the changes that you need to feel your best. Visit and click on patient corner to see the upcoming class schedule.

Keep your eyes peeled for future weekend events including healing your life, detoxifiying your life, and committing exercise into your life.